A love poem.


This is a poem I wrote for a man that I once loved.  It is my favorite poem that I have written, and I think it is pretty funny, yet sentimental. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

Dear ‘Moco’, 
You drive me loco!
If only I can see you more, un poco. 
Te Amo!
I love you!
I want the whole world to view, 
What you
Put my heart through.
What it turns into,
Is a giant stew
Of emotions!
Just imagine the motions
In me, giving me that notion
That your soul is filled with an ocean
of Love!
Something to be proud of.
How we fit together like
Hand in glove. 
And above
All else is us.
Let’s always discuss
So to never distrust 
each other. 
I promise to smother
You, one day after another
Because I’ll always love you like no other. 

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